Présentation :

Angola - List of Champions
Ferrovia Atlético Clube de Luanda were founded in 1912 or 1913
(and are probably the oldest club of the country); around 1915
a first annual championship (football league of Luanda) was
created, for the Taça de Luanda (Luanda Cup); in 1916 two more
clubs (Militar and Ideal) appeared. The first national championship
in colonial times was decided in 1941.
Before Independence
1941 Sporting Clube de Luanda
1942 Sporting Clube de Luanda
1943 Sport Benguela e Benfica
1944 Sporting Clube de Luanda
1945 Sport Clube da Catumbela
1946 Sporting Clube de Luanda
1947 Sporting Clube de Luanda
1948 unknown
1949 unknown
1950 unknown
1951 Ferrovia Sport Clube de Nova Lisboa
1952 Sport Clube Portugal de Benguela
1953 Ferroviário de Luanda
1954 Lobito Sports Clube
1955 Sporting Clube de Luanda
1956 Sporting Clube de Luanda
1957 Ferroviário de Luanda
1958 Sport Clube da Catumbela
1959 Sport Clube Portugal de Benguela
1960 Sport Clube Portugal de Benguela
1961 Sport Clube Portugal de Benguela
1962 Ferroviário de Luanda
1963 Sporting Clube de Luanda
1964 Sport Clube Portugal de Benguela
1965 Atlético Sport Aviação (Luanda) [runners-up: Sport Sá da Bandeira e Benfica]
1966 Atlético Sport Aviação (Luanda)
1967 Atlético Sport Aviação (Luanda)
1968 Atlético Sport Aviação (Luanda)
1969 Independente Sport Clube (Porto Alexandre) [*2]
1970 Independente Sport Clube (Porto Alexandre)
1971 Independente Sport Clube (Porto Alexandre)
1972 Sport Nova Lisboa e Benfica
1973 Futebol Clube do Moxico (Luena) [runners-up: Sport Clube Portugal de Benguela]
1974 Ferrovia Sport Clube de Nova Lisboa
1975 abandoned [*1]
[*1] Recreativo da Caála were leading when the league was abandoned after
12 rounds because of the political situation
[*2] Independente Sport Clube (Porto Alexandre) were the only club from the
district of Moçâmedes to win the championship before independence
NB: the town of Porto Alexandre is now called Tômbwa;
the town of Nova Lisboa is now called Huambo;
the town of Sá da Bandeira is now called Lubango;
the district and town of Moçâmedes are now called Namibe;
Sport Clube Portugal de Benguela were later renamed Nacional de Benguela;
Lusitano Sport Clube won the 1946 Benguela district championshipM
Recreativo da Jamba were 2nd division champions 1973/74
Depuis la saison 2010, seize clubs sont regroupés au sein d'une poule unique où ils s'affrontent à deux reprises, à domicile et à l'extérieur. En fin de saison, les trois derniers du classement sont relégués et remplacés par les trois meilleurs clubs de Gira Angola, la deuxième division angolaise.
Club le plus titré : Atlético Luanda avec 15 titres, Primeiro de Agosto avec 13 titres
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Championnat d'Angola
Copyright Sportquick/Promedi