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Parachutisme - Parachuting history - Article du : 09/11/2009


32 000 redundant - 388 Club


Parasols were used in China by acrobats, BC.

The first project was launched parachute by Leonardo da Vinci in 1502 as a note and a drawing.

In 1783, the first non-controversial scientific experiment by Louis Sebastien Lenormand in Montpellier (with 2 umbrellas).

The first real parachute jump:

On October 22, 1797, Andre Jacques Garnerin (1769-1823), scientific training, jumps from a balloon (680 meters) with a machine of his invention: a small wicker basket suspended from a balloon by hemp rope (the patent 11-10-1802) above the current Parc Monceau (before the Plain Mousseaux) in Paris. Garnerin then jumped in St. Petersburg and London and was the author of the first night flight between Paris and Reims. He was killed accidentally in 1823 by hitting a beam at the start of the race. The first woman parachutist was his wife Jeanne Labrosse (1775-1847) without forgetting his niece Elisa who made it to only 39 successive jumps (3,500 meters) in the years 1815. On March 10, 1912, first jump from an airplane by Captain Berry at St. Louis (USA).

In 1918, Adolphe French Pegoud is the first single-pilot to abandon his aircraft (near Versailles) and parachute.

In 1919, the first descent in freefall by Leslie Irving.

In June 1920, some squadrons of German planes have parachutes rescue. In 1930 development of Soviet military parachuting (first hop group August 18, 1938), first descent in freefall over 10,000 m by the French Jean Williams.

On June 6, 1944, the landing is a success for the Allies with the paratroopers. Instrument rescue during World War 1, he becomes the instrument of invasion during the 2nd War.

In 1946, the civilian parachuting develops in the USSR and France. It is then recognized sport by the Federation Aeronautique Internationale. The first world championships were held in 1951 in precision landing.

The Federation Aeronautique Internationale Founded in 1905, has 95 member countries.

Sport parachuting is practiced by 86 nations from the 5 continents. 59 of them grouped under the umbrella of the Federation Aeronautique Internationale, are found in world competitions.

Other dates :

- 1935: Captain Geille organized the first Training Center Skydiving (CIP)

- 1936: first patents and licenses issued by the Ministry of Aviation

- 1946: 100 young people get their first patent Training (tricks and jumps Choisy Gennevilliers). Also 27 young civilians make their first jump.

- 1949: Creation of the National Federation of French Paratroopers (FNPF)

- 1951: First WorldChampionship, the French Pierre Bacon won the gold in the combined.

- 1964: design of the prototype 'Para Foil' (rectangular wing)

- 1965-1977: the reign of the round parachute (the Olympic)

- 1978: sling bag design 'while in the back', the 'Dolphin'

- 1986: First World Championship Sailing Contact (VC)

- 1990-1995: the canopy-type 'wing' are used for static line jumps.

- 2003: First World Championships in all disciplines at Gap.

In 1970, there were in France 7 500 licensees in 1989 9 500 1990 16 580 2000

 32 000 licensees including 22% military and 20% of students. In 2000, approximately 550 000 jumps were made.

In France, schools accredited by the FFP carry 7 000 baptisms. We need a medical certificate and attend a technical briefing a few hours before jumping (tandem or solo with automatic opening).

Necessary conditions for paragliding : Aged 15 years of age (medical examination specifically for 15/16 years). Remember :

- A jump initiation of a height of 1200 m with automatic opening amounts to approx. 950 F.

- A jump in tandem (instructor and student) from a height of 3500 m including 40 seconds of freefall and between 5 and 10 minutes in open parachute back to approx. 1300 F.

Rules and Principles


The "parachute "

Essentially consists of 2 wings (+ lines) and a sling bag (9 to 15 kg). Broad categories: hemispherical canopies, sails and shrouding type wing. Facilities: dorsal-ventral or the back.


A horizontal body reached after a fall of about 500 m, 190 km / h (speed stabilization) but can reach over 300 kph in a vertical position. After 12 seconds of freefall, the speed stabilizes, gravity and air resistance are balanced. Modern parachutes may have a speed of vertical descent of about 2 m / s and a horizontal speed up to 10 to 15 m / s.

Up to jump altitude: 4500 m without oxygen inhaler, 12000 m with inhaler. In addition, a pressurized equipment is essential.

Necessary conditions for paragliding

You must be aged 15 or over (medical examination specifically for 15/16 years).

In France, schools accredited by the FFP carry 7 000 baptisms. We need a medical certificate and attend a technical briefing a few hours before jumping (tandem or solo with automatic opening).

In freefall

Paratroopers can make changes comparable to those swimmers. They can, for example, merge. A figure formed in freefall by 144 paratroopers has already been done.

The exploits  :

- In 1938, the French Jean Williams made a record jump in free fall more than 10 000 m (11 400 m). His parachute opened just 90 m from the ground.

- In 1955, the first ejection at supersonic speed by the American Smith.

- In 1960, Captain Joseph Kittinger jumped USA at 31 333 meters (4 minutes and 37 seconds of freefall!) For a medical experiment with a small parachute. The record is not registered.

- In 1962, Eugene Andreev USSR beats the world record in free fall with a jump of 24 483 meters.

- In 1977, Elvira Fomitcheva USSR beat the world record in women's freefall with oxygen with a jump of 14 800 meters.

- In 1986, Alain Prieur FRA jumped more than 4 000 meters without a parachute. Two paratroopers catch the flight, giving it a parachute. After this jump reissued several times with success, he failed a few years later and let his life.

- In 1990, Michel Fournier FRA jumped free fall at 12 000 feet (record of France).

- In 1995, Patrick FRA Gayardon a fall in Skysurf without oxygen mask at 12 700 meters.

- Italy's Barbara Brighetti is the current record holder for jumping free fall without oxygen at 10 900 m.

Some records

- The world record parachute jump in tandem has been detained since May 2000 by two French Caroline Avon with Thierry de Montfort, in extreme parachutist, jumping in Arizona to 11 000 meters.

- The world record for the most training in freefall parachute is 357 (men / women combined) for a figure for 6 seconds at 180 mph, established in February 2004 in Thailand.

- The female world record for the most training in freefall parachute is 118, established in August 1999 in California.

The airfield at Gap-Tallard to 110 km from Grenoble is considered the Mecca of sport parachuting with some 74 216 jumps in 2003.

Open Parachute

For high lift within the airflow over the top (upper) of the wing profile "wing", changing its shape using command maneuvers, the skydiver can vary its speed and move. Parachutes type "wing" can glide over large distances.

Special Types of Parachute

- Upward take-off parachute towed by a motor vehicle, car, boat or winch, the descent is from the end of traction. It is an introduction to sport parachuting called "conventional" for children under 16 years and also a competitive discipline in accuracy landing.

- Paragliding: this activity has arisen within the skydiving in 1978. The wings rectangular type "wing" have a smoothness that allows for takeoffs from moderate or severe slopes. This feature is exploited by many skydivers who, in addition to flights of mountains, use this procedure to practice precision landing on targets arranged. This activity is very economical requires no air, no folding, no training prior to skydiving.

In 2000, approximately 550 000 jumps were made .

Two French, Mario Gervasi and Jean-Claude Lafaille hold the records:

- Jump the coolest: - 98 ° C above the North Pole in 1998.

- Jump the hottest: + 80 ° on a salt lake in Djibouti in 1998.


Approximately: 0.58 fatalities per thousand licensed. 0.30 fatalities per thousand jumps.

The Official Disciplines Precision landing in or PA

iduelle and group.

The oldest discipline of sport parachuting is open to land sail as close to a plot of 3 cm in diameter only in the center of a container with gravel or sand. The parachute approach their work in order to reach the final phase of landing upwind oriented, slightly above the target, taking the veil brakes to control its movements.

The target is an electronic device that measures up to 16 cm from the center is called the tile.

The PA will practice in

iduel or team of 4. The team score is the cumulative distance of each jump.

Distances are measured electronically centimeter.

Start height: 1000 meters.

The world record for the greatest number of tiles in a row is 14, held by the Russian Sergei Vertiprakhov.

Aerobatics in


Test in

iduelle speed made in free fall when it is completed as quickly as possible the sequence of 6 compulsory figures (turn - turn - somersault - tower - tower - salto) to make a minimum of time (between 5 and 7 seconds). The figures are always the same, only the meaning of the towers varies. This gives rise to 4 possible jumps called groups. The somersault is a somersault or 'loop back'.

Penalties are added in second test time for tricks performed poorly relative to the axes of reference.

Start height: 3000 m with obligatory opening 100 m - 30 seconds of free fall allowed. It takes ten seconds to reach full dive speed of 350 km / h (average 300 km) before executing the figures. The action is filmed from the ground. Time penalties depending on successful completion of the figures is included in the trial.

The world record in men's vaulting

iduelle owned Bernachot Franck FRA 40 in 5 seconds.

The female world record belongs to Patricia Glanard FRA 27 in 6 seconds.


The flight is on a discipline of skydiving in which it is to make known figures in several formations. It is the discipline most practiced in competition and recreation.

The VR is practiced in team event of 4, 8 or 16 Freefall its videoman filming the jump. This is to make a series of 5 at 7 Training randomly selected from a prescribed curriculum. Once the latter is done, it resumes at the first cycle. Each is worth one point. Jumping is judged on 35 seconds RV 4 with a departure at 3 000 meters and 50 seconds for the RV 8 or 16 with a departure at 4 000 meters. Only the technical service has no artistic appreciation comes into play: we must fly as fast as possible.

The average speed of falling flat, performed by relativeURI training, can reach 200 km / h.

The average speed of the fall dive can reach 500 km / h.

The world record to 4 is 36 points in 35 seconds made by France.

The world record is 8 to 16 points in 50 seconds made by Australia.

The average is 21 points by jumping.

Good to know

- 200 paratroopers together formed a giant star in the sky (record).

- 297 people from different countries have been hung for ten seconds.

- 106 French were kept in training for 3 seconds.

Contact Sailing

It dates from 1970 when the square sails were introduced. It is played in teams of 2 or 4 which are dropped to 2 200 m altitude with the aim of making timed sequences of images by making appontahes between the veils of teammates by taking out with hands and feet.

Making faces by teams of 6 or 8 parachute, sailing open jumping 2 000 m.

- Rotation 4: Stacking up to 4 by "rotation" of the highest to the bottom of the course in a time limit of 1min30. The team earns one point for each successful stacking.

- 4 sequences: completion of sequences of 4 to 5 figures imposed by lot in a short time of 2 min. 30.

- By Team 8: timed achievement figures randomly to 8 skydivers.


The freestyle is recognized by the FAI in 1995. It's gymnastics done in air by parachute team of two (freestyle) or three (free fly) realizing Skydiving (5) or imposed (2).

Discipline and recent real "sky dance", the freestyle is a series of artistic figures (some of which emerged as the salto stretched) in free fall. The free-styleur perform any sort of movement on three axes. The judges evaluate the technical difficulty and execution of movements. The changes are filmed by a cameraman in freefall, the images serve as support for the trial, which takes into account aesthetics and image quality. A competition consists of hopping figures imposed then breaks free program where the free-styleur can choose the content of its membership. The dropping occurs at 4000 m and a sequence lasts 45 seconds. Sailing opens to 1 000 m for safety reasons.

The first world championships (World Games Air) were played in 1997.

The Skysurf

The Skysurf is recognized by the FAI in 1995.

The French Laurent Bouquet 'the silver surfer is considered the father of Skysurf or' surf the clouds'.

This new high-profile discipline created in the 80s has grown rapidly in Europe and the USA. His practice helps to recall the feeling of sliding, as it is to perform tricks in flight on a surfboard (surf on a board in the sky) to over 200 km / h with a parachute that is opened at the end. Excellent command of free fall is therefore necessary. The changes very fast and large movements, made possible through the surf, make a spectacular discipline. The role of partner videoman is paramount because the images are, also, for the trial. The team is allowed three jumps.

The size of snowboards varies control and the corpulence of the parachutist. A large surf offers greater taken to the air and is therefore harder and more physical control.

The French Patrick Gayardon (1960-1998), former champion and a specialist on flight jumps extreme, was the instigator of this form of gliding in France since 1989. In April 1998, he was killed during a jump over Hawaii at age 38 after more than 11 000 jumps. The Patrick Trophy Gayardon reward the best nation in all disciplines at the world championships. It was awarded for the first time in France during the world championships in all disciplines that have taken place in 2003 in Gap.

The Base Jump

Invented by American Karl Boenish (died during a jump off a cliff in Norway).

B uilding: skip building or skyscraper

A ntenna: jump antenna and pestle

S pan: jump arch and bridge deck

E arth: cliff jump

Discipline that involves jumping from natural or artificial barriers.

The proximity of the barrier and the lack of support from collapse requires great thoroughness in practice and equipment.

The basis is practiced alone or in small groups insiders. The only mass event is Bridge Day organized a high bridge in the USA. Judging is based on accuracy at the opening and landing.

This discipline is not recognized as a discipline federal France.

The first official competition took place in Utah, USA March 98 from a cliff 400 feet.

The wings have fast run maneuvers at high level with the ground. There are two new fields based on flying at ground level (but recognized in France for security reasons):

- The Swoop consists of a demonstration figures landing at ground level. A competition takes place on a water to reduce the risks damage path unappreciated.

- The Blade Running is practiced on the snowy slopes that were marked with large flames or blades into a kind of slalom course. The practice leaves the helicopter back to the track and rolling down the slope from the flames never touch the ground.


Landing "means to join a parachutist from a forming star or a face veil contact construction.

Approach: to place itself in relation to the target landing, a skydiver falling or star or a parachute or a face veil contact.


- "Plane on axis" plane on a given trajectory, is preparing to release.

- "Working line" definite direction to the ground and materialized by a landmark, guiding the parachute during evolutions.

Binos: contraction of the term binocular or high magnification binoculars to monitor and control land developments paratroopers.

Diamonds: plot of 3 cm in diameter at the center of the target and the competitor must reach the foot. "Make a square" is equivalent to a PA (precision landing) of 0.00 m.

Jumper: practicing parachute freefall.

Target: target precision landing, circular and consists of gravel (currently target foam), damping the arrival of the parachutist when landing.

Star: training ranging from several skydiving.

Upper: upper part of a wing profile-type "wings".

Finesse: value in meters, resulting in a plane horizontal displacement of 1 m in a vertical plane. Currently the parachute-type wing "used for the jumps can vary according to aircraft type 2 to 3.5, for paragliding, fine varies between 3.5 and 6.

Releasing: parachute drop.

OA: automatic opening of the parachute.

OC: controlled opening of the parachute.

AP: precision landing.

Pavement is said of a paratrooper who made no changes "drop it like a stone".

Platform jumping: Center School, progression and activity of skydiving.


- Pull the handle "do a lot of jumps.

- "Action grip" the handle to open the parachute.

Pumps: ancestries affecting the descending parachute and impedes its control for precision landing.

RelativeURI: practicing parachute flight on.

Siki: witness dropped early in the session to determine the vertical and the axis of release.

SOA: static line (linked to the aircraft) which allows the opening of the parachute without the intervention of the parachutist.

Cow ( "make a cow" or "go cowboy") arise far from the goal, with the cows. Relative expression because the level of competition can arise in the target and still "make a cow."

VC: Sailing Contact.

RV: Relative Work.


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Résultats et Champions

 Parachutisme     45 000 licenciés - 388 clubs   Historique Des parasols auraient été utilisés en Chine par des acrobates, avant notre ère. Le premier projet de parachute est lancé par Léonard de Vinci en 1502 sous forme d'une note et d’un dessin. En 1783, première expérience scientifique non controversée, par Louis Sébastien Lenormand à Montpellier (avec 2 parasols). Le premier véritable saut en parachute : Le 22 octobre 1797, André Jacques Garnerin (1769-1823), scientifique de forma...
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