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Land yachting
The origins of sand yacht back to the time of the pharaohs, around 2000 BC Later, the Chinese built the Great Wall around 250 BC by using the "Sailing barrows. These are the Dumont brothers who really launched the car sailing in Belgium in 1898. The first competition took place at De Panne (Belgium) during the summer of 1909 with tanks with 4 bicycle wheels and a sail of 4 m². Louis Blériot had imagined aéroplage with whom he competed on the beach at Hardelot in 1911.
Created in 1964, the French Federation of sand yachting chose at the outset of decentralization by placing himself at the heart of places this sport: the beaches of Nord Pas de Calais. As such, it is affiliated to the International Federation of Sand and Landyachting (FISLY created in 1962).
What a sand yacht? The official definition given by the Federation is: any vehicle on wheels propelled by the wind and headed by a pilot.
Technically, we can say that this is a device consisting of a chassis with three wheels, including a director at the front of a mast and a sail. From this, users can create their gear and move in certain areas provided to meet safety rules. This is what was happening once: the first aéroplages were "boxes" of wood with four wheels and a sail made of cotton.
The French Federation more than 80 000 practitioners, 7 000 licensed and 85 clubs.Where practice sand yacht in France: A Berck, Fort Mahon, Saint-Pierre Quiberon, Port-Leucate, Saint-Brevin and Montalivet. Also on some airfields Island France.Nota: practice the tank to sail or kite flying is banned on the French coast from June 15 to September 15 except sites specifically reserved.
Rules and PrinciplesWhat a sand yacht? The official definition given by the Federation is: any vehicle on wheels propelled by the wind and headed by a pilot. Technically, we can say that this is a device consisting of a chassis with three wheels, including a director at the front of a mast and a sail. From this, users can create their gear and move in certain areas provided to meet safety rules. This is what was happening once: the first aéroplages were "boxes" of wood with four wheels and a sail made of cotton.
EquipmentThis recreational beach became a competitive sport, led to the classification of different types of tanks:
- Class 2: These tanks have a polyester hull and a sail area of 11,30 m². Their command is a double wheel, one for management and one for border sailing.
- Mini 4: Designed by FFCV, this device is primarily intended for the initiation of younger (6-16 years). It consists of a tubular chassis with small wheels and a sail of 4.65 m². It is also an element of promotion to find new champions with races and a championship of France of the young.
- Grade 3: it is considered the Formula 1 of sailing chariot. It is a device that behaves lengthened. The pilot uses his feet to the leadership and hands to tuck the veil. His wing is a total area of 7.35 m².
- Class 5: Founded in 1980, this class aims to attract the largest number of practitioners. The driver is recumbent. Apart from a wing of 5 m², all materials were chosen in order to create an inexpensive device and small footprint.
- Class 7: It is defined as a car driving to sail standing rigging can not be maintained vertical by the presence of the driver. This is known as Speed Sail. Sport in full, it has become more and more followers.
- Grade 8: the other name of the tank to kite. The pilot maneuver one dimensional wing is associated with a set of four son towing gear. Maximum speed: 50 km / h.
- The standard established in 1989, it is a monotype of human size between Class 3 and Class 5. With acceleration almost equivalent to Class 3, a handling equivalent to Class 5, a high security by strong wind, his grip is fast for beginners. The steel chassis and aluminum suspended the polyester shell by giving the position of the axles of a bumper in front of the driver. The veil of 6 m² is equipped with "camber" (tubular tower in 3 games).
RulesThe races take place:
- In tests with closed circuit
- In endurance events lasting several hours,
- In raids.
The rules of driving Meeting faceWhen two cars come face to face, they must both depart to the right so as to leave enough space between them.
CrossingWhen two lead tanks crossing tracks (which intersect), one from right to priority. The tank should not deviate priority or slow. Forcing a car to change its priority road or slow down to avoid a clash is an offense.
OverflowThe excess is committed whenever there is less than one meter between the front and rear ends of cars overtaking and overtaken for Class 7 (Speed Sail), the distance is increased to two meters for other classes. Overtaking is done when there are more than two meters between the front and rear tanks catching and caught. The tank takes responsibility overtaking maneuver. The tank is caught in a straight line, keep her course or depart, during a turn, it must perform a normal maneuver. However, the car caught is entitled to make a turn when it encounters an obstacle. The overtaking car must depart from the road caught. Coerce caught up in changing course or slow down to avoid a clash is an offense.
TurnsDelineation of the orange
The orange area is a trapezoid whose vertices are defined by orange pennants. The orange line materialized by blue or red flags should not be crossed. The buoy turn is materialized by a red and white flag.
Orange Zone
The first car entered the orange zone is regarded as overtaken by tanks entered after him. It is forbidden for a car to pass between the orange line and joined a competitor before him in the area unless it is stopped or if it grows.
Sense Circuit
In the absence of instructions from race director, the buoys are crossed in the opposite direction clockwise.
Preliminary raceDisclaimer
The departure was announced a half-hour before a white flag. A competition can not be canceled if the white flag is lifted.
A green flag with yellow diagonal is the signal for immediate rally drivers from the starting line. The race director must explain the chosen route, duration and announce the number of minutes remaining before departure. The presence at the briefing is mandatory.
DepartureStarting line
This is the line where the competitors are positioning themselves to take the start. The tanks are positioned behind the line, front wheel on their own number to the starting signal. They are distant from each other two feet minimum side and six feet minimum longitudinally for Class 7; minimum of three meters laterally and longitudinally minimum six meters for other classes.
Line position
Wherever possible, the departure is to mark a trail located upwind of the line. The first buoy turn achieved should be 200 m away from the minimum of the start line for Class 7 and 500 m minimum of the starting line for the other classes. The starting line will be perpendicular to the bisector of the angle formed at the center of the line through the axis of the wind and the axle of the first brand to achieve.
Direction of numbering
On the starting line, the No. 1 is to the right of No. 2 and so on.
Starting signal
A red flag with possibly an audible signal will start. Only lowering the red flag is authentic. In all cases, the security of departure must be ensured.
PriorityDuring the start up and release a car is considered caught by a tank located on the left.
Conditions of validity
A handle is not valid if three conditions are met: - The wind speed must be throughout the race less than 4 meters per second (force 2. For any international race, it must be monitored continuously from a fixed location and clear - Medical assistance should be present or to be contacted by phone or walkie-talkie (doctor and ambulance) - The duration of the race (except in case of interruption) must be for Classes 2, 3 and 5 and 30 minutes for Class 7 of 20 minutes for the Triangle and 60 minutes for endurance.
Means of propulsionThe driver shall not drive his car in a continuous or systematic way. It is also forbidden to push against the arrest vent.En cases, competitors are allowed to troubleshoot freely provided their action does not present a character of systematic repetition. It is the pilot should not change during a chariot race. In case of accident, the jury may however allow a driver to use a tank replacement.
CheckThe race director lowers the checkered flag at the passing car placed first after the scheduled race time. All other tanks will be decided by the same flag. The tops are made in passing the root of the main mast. Each driver must cross the line on his car. It is prohibited to park or cross the line.
Overall rank
The winner is, again, the driver who totals the fewest points. Are then graded on the same test other drivers. In case of a tie on total points taken into account, the advantage is given to the driver with the largest number of first places.
InfringementsPenalty points
During a test, rule violations are punishable by a penalty. The first offense is punishable by 1 point, second 2 points and so on.
RaidsIt is a sporting event taking place in conditions of difficult terrain.
The speed record of sand yachting is 151.90 km / h defeated in June 2000 by the Breton Tadege Norman. The previous record was 151.5 km / h, established in 1991 by five times world champion Bertrand Lambert. Since then, Americans have reached a speed of 180 mph!
The tank is a kind of "buggy" with no mast and no veil, pulled by a kite (kite or wing). The hands hold both wrists connected to the kite about 20 feet above. The kite must be adapted to force the passenger and the wind.
GlossaryFelling: Turn in differing wind
Aéroplage: word invented by the aviator Louis Blériot who developed the manufacture of tanks and competitions at the beginning of this century.
Body type: direction of the wind. The "near" is a look.
Tack: when one side gets the wind (tack port or starboard.)
Covers: puddles left by the sea when it retires.
Bans: sand area overlooking a beach.
Mainsheet Chariot mobile set behind the driver to change the hollow of the sail and mast bend.
Border: close the angle between sail and wind.
Tip: Cable (nautical term).
Composite: Kevlar, epoxy, polyester, fiberglass are all materials which are made from the hulls and masts. Their advantage is lightness and strength.
Jibe: Change of tack by turning upwind.
Equipment: a dry suit, gloves and helmet accessories are the minimum char-to-voiliste.
Axle: part of the chassis that holds the wheels. It may be ash (Class 3) or tubes (class 5).
Étarquer: to sail on.
Fasseyement: deflation sailing.
Flaccid: protection of wheels designed for aerodynamics.
Greer: mount the whole rig to set sail.
Stay cables: wire rope that hold the mast in Class 3.
Lattes: rods that slip into the sail to give it rigidity.
Lofer: turn in the direction of the axis of wind.
Tack: to go from one side to another.
Failing to turn: missed a tack.
Tack: inferior angle of the sail with a grommet to fix the mast.
Clew: inferior angle of the sail whose eye is fixed on the end of the boom.
Head point: setting sail up the flagpole at the end of the halyard.
Take a risk: reducing the bearing surface of the wing based on a strong wind.
Ridain: ripple of sand formed by wind.
Tack: upwind in "zigzag", ie taking advantage of the crosswind.
Come to close: positioning in the shape of the near.
Apparent wind: combination of true wind speed and wind.
Headwind: headwind.
Wind speed: wind created by movement of the chariot.
True wind: Wind blowing over the beach. It is that one feels at a standstill.
Wind Speed: a competition it has been fixed at least four meters per second.
Wishbone: a boom Speed Sail, which holds the pilot and used to direct the board.
Among the best specialists of land yachting are two French:
- Bertrand Lambert with three league titles World Class 3 (discipline queen) and 15 league titles in France, 17 European titles between 1976 and 2001 titles and three world championship since 1980. Also champion United States in 1990. Today, he directs the School of sand yachting at Le Touquet.
- Veronique de Gineste Ribaud, the most successful woman in a sand yacht in all disciplines.
At the last European championships in 2001, the team of France has won five titles in six!
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