dimanche 23 février 2025
Tir à l'arc
Tir à l'arc - Archery history - Article du : 09/11/2009

Archery - Olympic Sports


The archery dates back to the stone age or 20 000 years BC, C.La first civilization known for its use of the bow and arrow is the Egyptian people, who adopted it are about 5 000 years to hunt and make war.

Hunting weapon around the world since prehistoric weapon of war then in 3 years 000 BC to the Renaissance.

In 1200 BC the Hittites were using the bow from the fast and light trucks, allowing them to terrorize their opponents in battles in the Middle East. Their neighbors, the Assyrians arcs manufactured with different materials: bone, tendon or wood. They also gave the bow a new shape, more curved and more powerful than the bow was shorter and that the archer could easily take over when he was in the saddle. The ancestral rites of chivalry, the archers continued to transmit from generation to generation, provide a unique aesthetic to the revival of Companies, and Family Round. The weapon of fire appeared in the Thirty Years War (1618-1648) ending the use of archery as a weapon of war. It has gradually developed into a weapon of pleasure. The archery takes a sporty orientation is confirmed early in the twentieth century.  

The Archers Companies are structured and organized, first in Isle of France, then in northern France and I'ensemble the country to give birth in 1928 to

French Federation of Archery (FFTA) which itself will be at the initiative of creating the Federation Internationale de Tir à RCAF (FITA) Low in 1931 in Poland.  

The International Federation of Archery has 133 member countries.

In France, there are 52 000 licensed cons 8 000 1972: 42 148 English archers on target with 37 413 in recurve and 4 735 in compound bow.

Key Dates

1583: The year of the first official competition of archery at Finsbury in England with the participation of some 3 000 archers.

1931: First WorldChampionship, the event was mixed (Olympic bow)

1991: First World Championship Indoor (Olympic bow)

  The archery and Olympism

The archery was an Olympic sport several times between 1900 and 1920 before disappearing from the Games for over 50 years. He made his permanent return to the Munich Games in 1972 with the sacred American John Williams in men and Doreen Wilber women. The archery has one race on the Olympic program: the shooting of 70 m arc classique.La team competition was added to the program of the Seoul Games in 1988. The duel in the final stages was introduced in 1992. In 2004, the 64 archers selected clashed, in

iduellement or in teams of three, when duels knockout. The winners of the semi-finals then meet in the final for the gold and silver, and the losers compete for the bronze medal.


The term "Robin Hood" (Robin Hood) means not only the legendary archer medieval times but also made to pierce with an arrow, the shaft of another arrow in the target. Competition

Place arrows at a target distance. Each discipline has its own regulations, both on the principle of running the tests, shooting distances, the shape of fire, as the use of equipment. In all cases, competitions are to accumulate the number of points obtained according to the value impacts of arrows.

Olympic Shooting or classical

It is the discipline of archery practiced the most in the world. The test consists of 144 arrows shot over 2 days in each of the following distances: 90, 70, 50 and 30 yards, then fire round: Team 3 archers. 12 teams in 1 / 2 final 8 in the final duels at 70 m.

Equipment archers - Arc

A bow of any type may be used provided it meets the principles and ideas that one has a bow used for target shooting, that is to say, an instrument consisting of a handle, a body and two flexible branches each ending in a mouthpiece with a throat.

The arches are made of metal, maple wood or fiberglass or carbon graphite. The length is 1.57 m to 1, 82 m. The weight is 2 to 3.6 kilograms.

The arc is bandaged by a single string attached directly and only to the two ends and use, is held by one hand to the handle while the fingers of one hand, draw, hold and let go of the rope. Other accessories

ers can be used: based arrows mark the viewfinder or on the ground or on the bow, stabilizers, shock absorbers, finger protector, armband, shirt front, strap, quiver.

The arches weigh about 22 kg in the men's competition and 15 kg in the women's competitions.

- Arrows

The arrows on each archer will be marked with the name of the archer, with his initials or his badge. All arrows used for the same score of 3 or 6 arrows will be the same color for the tail and the decoration, if any a.Diamètre maximum of 9.3 millimeters. The arrows are aluminum or carbon fiber for a flight faster.

Good to know: the speed of an arrow in archery can reach over 240 km per hour?

- Target

It is made of cardboard or straw with a diameter of 1.22 m. The center is located 1.3 miles meters above the ground.

There are ten concentric circles, namely: 2 white (which are 1 and 2 pts), 2 Black (3 and 4 pts), 2 blue (5 and 6 pts), 2 red (7 and 8 pts), 2 golds (9 and 10 pts).

The center of the target, called "gold", measures 12.2 centimeters in diameter. This area is worth 10 points. The value of other circles, point by point decreases gradually as they approach the edge of the target. The outer circle him, not worth one point.

Did you know that the target

Iseo in 10 concentric circles, measuring 1m in diameter 22. For the archer located 70 meters, it is not bigger than a thumbtack held at arm's length?

The competition takes place as follows:

- A qualifying phase on 2 days: open to all participants involved with only the top 24 scores for men and women and the best 12 teams are selected (best 3 scores in

iduels each team). The archers shoot 36 arrows per distance (90-70-50-30 m), or 144 arrows.

- A final stage on 2 days: the top 8 compete until the final two by two in alternate shot. In 40 seconds, the archer must draw 4 ends of 3 arrows (a total of 12 arrows) at a distance of 70 m. The maximum score is 120. If the two archers were tied, there will dam. The archer who shot closest to the center will be declared the winner in the event of a tie in the third. In qualifying, men take to 30 m, 50 m, 70 m and 90 m, and women at 30 m, 50 m, 60 m and 70 m with 36 arrows. Playoff, archers shoot 18 arrows (up 3 flights of 6) at 70 m. The shooting time: 4 minutes for each round.

- Team: Only the top 16 teams of 3 archers competing in the quarterfinals. The 4 best compete until the final two by two.

The calculation of scores:

If the arrow reaches two colors (or line separating 2 areas), the highest point is awarded to the archer.

If the arrow is fixed on another arrow, the archer reaches the same point as the arrow.

If the arrow passes through the target or bounces off another arrow, the archer wins points only if the marks on the target (or arrow) are known.

Other disciplines Shooting in the Field

The shooting campaign aimed at all those who want to combine the practice of archery in the discovery of nature. The archers move on course with 14 targets whose distances are "known" and 14 others, whose distances are "unknown". Are allowed: all types of bows. The sighting devices are prohibited. Both courses are separate. 4 arrows are fired at each target are 112 in total.

The shooting takes place outdoors on the ground in undergrowth or discovered, rather uneven. Depending on the conformation of the land, the total distance traveled by an archer can range from 1 to several kilometers. On average 2 to 3 km to 12 targets. No regulation does not define the length of a term.

Indoor Shooting

Practiced since 1972, mainly in winter, in a gymnasium or hall closed. The shooting took place about 2 times and 30 arrows to select the host, to 25 m or 18 m by 3 flights of arrows. The targets are identical to those of FLTA but 60 cm in diameter for shooting at 25 m and 40 cm for firing at 18 m. The final stages have been introduced in major appointment.

Shooting Hunting

It is not real hunting bow. The fire fighter is a form of sports archery on animal coats, with domestic regulations in our country. The central part of the animal is called "zone killed" and the outer zone wounded. It is usually contested on a course of 21 mounds (42 championships in France). Each archer shoots 2 arrows at each target.


Dating from the Middle Ages, is the oldest discipline practiced in France and especially in the north-east of Paris in "The Country of arc" (Oise Aisne Somme). The shooting took place in a specially constructed called "play bow" at a distance of 50 m, on targets of 45 cm in diameter

ized in 3 areas. Two targets facing each other and each archer pulls back and forth a total of 40 arrows. The ranking is the number of arrows into targets (honors), items used to tie the tie.

Archery Golf

This discipline is in competition two different sports in their technique, but similar in their objective: precision shooting. Archers and golfers compete on a golf course. They should approach the "green" in a minimum of shots: one with his bow and arrow, the other with his club and his ball. On the "green" I'archer dropped a 15 cm ball balanced on a tripod, a golfer sends his ball in a hole the same size.


Archer archer.
Backgrounds: Part of the handle of the bow that faces the target when the archer draws.
Blind shelter where the judges are scoring, the representatives of archers and an observer.
Bander (bow): Pull the string and the arrow backwards to prepare a shot.
Blason: Paper on the target, with brand value,

ized into five zones colored (yellow, red, blue, black and white), themselves divided into two zones of equal width.

Strap: leather accessories, plastic or wood which protects the arm of the arc.

Branch: top or bottom of an arc from the handle to the tip.
Butte: An object which is fixed on the shield.

Quiver: case in which the arrows are arranged.

Cord: an arrow is called "cordon" when it is in the border areas between two points.

Strap: accessory connecting arc fingers.

Punching: Put an arrow on a bowstring.
Flank: Part of the handle of the bow facing the archer when pulled.
Shaft: Long stick or rod forming the body of the arrow.
Group: 1. Pattern formed by the arrows on the target. 2. (Make a) Draw three arrows at a target.
Waiting line: Line located five meters behind the hold line, where the archers who are not in competition can be held.
Line of Fire: Line on which stands the shooter.
Archers Lodge: Area located one meter behind the line of fire when the archers of the team event waiting their turn.
Main carrier: hand holding the bow, usually the left hand.
Channel: Stage a competition in which an archer trying to move from one stage to the next.
Brands: Any arrow that hit the target and applies a number of points.
Game: Duel in between two

idus or two teams.
Mile: focal point on the target.
Observer: A person who identifies each score of archers with a telescope and took the score.
Route simple: a simple route includes 12 ends of 3 arrows.

Full itinerary: two simple term, the first unknown distances, the second to distances known.

Breastplate: piece of leather to protect the chest, or used clothing in case of too loose.

Tip: End of a sharp arrow.
Recurve: bend, bend or curl. Named after the shape of the legs of the arch "recurve".
Robin Hood (Robin Hood): Action to separate the two was an arrow already on the target with another arrow.
Stabilizers: rods and weights of different lengths, caused by the archer, which absorb vibration or delay for the release of string.

Shooting: Distance at which an arc sends an arrow.
Flock: A group of arrows, usually three, shot in one sequence before the guard did not remove them from the target.
X: Make an arrow which hit the central circle, or X10, in the mile of a target.

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Résultats et Champions

Surnommée 'la machine à tirer à l'arc', elle est l'une des meilleurs archers de l'histoire élue 'Archère du 20e siècle' par la Fédération Internationale. Championne olympique à titre individuel en 1992 (2eme en 1988, 3eme en 2000) et par équipes en 1988, 1992 et 2000. Elle est l'athlète sud-coréenne la plus médaillée des Jeux Olympiques. Championne du monde individuelle en 1989 et 1991 et par équipes de 1989 à 1995. Elle a détenu tous les records du monde. ...
Un grand archer. Il a détenu pendant dix ans le record du monde de points en une manche : 1341 points. Champion olympique en 1976 et 1984, il est à ce jour le seul archer à avoir conservé son titre olympique individuel. Vice champion olympique par équipes en 1988. Sept fois champion du monde, il a réussi le doublé individuel/équipes en 1975 et 1979 (au total : 11 médailles). Six fois médaillé d'or aux Jeux Panaméricains entre 1979 et 1991 dont deux fois en individuel, en 1983 et 1991. ...
Début août 2024, elle est devenue la première archère française de l'histoire à décrocher une médaille olympique, le bronze en individuel ! C'était la deuxième médaille pour la France après l'argent par équipes chez les hommes, un fait inédit depuis 1972 ! Championne d'Europe individuelle en arc classique en 2021, le premier titre européen pour la France depuis Bérengère Schuh en 2008 (3eme en 2024) et par équipes en 2024. Vice championne du monde par équipes en 2023 avec Aud...
Le 25 juillet 2024 aux qualifications des JO de Paris, elle a amélioré le record du monde en claquant 694 sur 720 après avoir tiré 72 flèches (ancien record était de 692 établi en juin 2019 par sa compatriote Kang Chaeyoung). Comme son compatriote chez les hommes, Kim Woo-jin, elle a réalisé le Grand Chelem à Paris. Championne olympique individuelle, par équipes et par équipe mixte (avec Kim Woo-jin) en 2024. Championne du monde par équipes en 2023. Médaillée d'or individuel, par équipes...
Il fait partie des meilleurs archers du moment avec 5 titres olympiques et 9 titres mondiaux. Il a fait le grand chelem olympique aux JO de Paris en remportant les trois titres (individuel, équipes et équipe mixte). L'un des prétendants pour le titre olympique en 2012, il n'a pas été sélectionné dans l'équipe nationale. Cinq fois champion olympiques : en indivduel en 2024, par équipes en 2016, 2021 et 2024 et par équipes mixte en 2024 (avec Lim Si-hyeon). Champion du monde d&#...
Il fait partie de l'élite depuis plus de dix ans. Il a été le n°1 mondial de la discipline d'août 2011 à avril 2013 (un record de longévité !). Vice-champion olympique d'arc classique individuel en 2024 et par équipes en 2012 et 2016 (3eme en individuel en 2016 et par équipes mixte en 2024). Champion du monde individuel en 2019 et par équipes en 2013 (2eme par équipes mixte en 2013 et par équipes en 2021 ; 3eme en individuel en 2011 et 2021). Vainqueur de la Coupe du monde en 201...
Vice-champion olympique d'arc classique en 2016 et d'arc classique par équipes en 2024 (avec Baptiste Addis et Thomas Chirault), une médaille historique pour le tir à l'arc français. Vice-champion du monde par équipes en 2009, 2011 et 2017 (3eme en 2013). 3eme en individuel des championnats du monde en salle en 2009 et des championnats d'Europe en salle en 2017. Champion d'Europe en individuel en 2016 et par équipes en 2024 (2eme par équipes en 2008 et par équipes mixte e...
  HOMMES Discipline Record Maximum pts     1440 Round - 144 flèches 1391 1440  Kim Woo-jin KOR 30 octobre 2014 90 mètres - 36 flèches 343 360  Kim Woo-jin KOR 13 septembre 2017 70 mètres - 36 flèches 353 360  Oh Jin Hyek KOR 29 août 2015 50 mètres - 36 flèches 352 360  Kim Woo-jin KOR 6 octobre 2019 30 mètres - 36 flèches 360 (27X) 360  Kim Kyung Ho KOR 15 juin 2018 70 mètres Round - 72 flèches 702 720  Bradley El...
Surnommé 'The Nesp'. Champion olympique d'arc classique par équipes en 2012 (2eme en 2008 ; 2eme en individuel en 2021). Champion du monde par équipes en 2017 (2eme en 2015, 3eme en 2011; 3eme par équipes mixte en 2019 et 2023). Champion d'Europe par équipes en 2008 et 2022, par équipes mixte en 2012 et 2018 (3eme en 2022; 4eme en individuel en 2014 ; 2eme par équipes en 2012, 2018 et 2024). Champion d'Europe en salle en individuel en 2011 (3eme par équipes en 2011 et 202...
Elle a fait partie de l'élite mondiale en tir à l'arc. Championne du monde d'arc classique individuel en 1995 et 2007 (4eme en 2005) et par équipes en 1999 et 2011 (2eme en 2001). Championne d'Europe en 2002 (2eme en 1996, 3eme en 1998) et plusieurs titres et podiums par équipes. 3eme des Jeux Olympiques en 1992 (elle a participé à six Olympiades entre 1992 et 2012). Cinq fois championne du monde en salle en individuel : en 1991 (pour l'URSS), 1995 (pour la Moldavie), 199...


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