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Sports sous marins
Sports sous marins - Underwater sports history - Article du : 08/11/2009

Underwater sports

The French Federation of Education and Sports Submarines, founded in 1955 in Marseille, includes 156,000 licensees, approx. 1980 clubs and 9000 monitors. It holds 14 different underwater disciplines including:

La plongée sous-marine  


The first diving apparatus dates from 1860 and the first club in 1935. Today there are nearly 80,000 licensed and 1200 clubs.

The diver training includes 4 levels, it is open to youth from 14 years (12 years notwithstanding). Level 1 or Basic patent requires formation of 8 to 10 sessions in the pool or a period of 4 to 5 days at sea level This is open to anyone who can swim and it plunges, accompanied by an instructor in the area 20 m (level 1 recognized in France and overseas territories). The international degree is most important for the Open Water dives autonomous.

The most popular places in the world for diving are: Mal

es, the Red Sea toward Egypt, the Bahamas, French Polynesia and the Caribbean.

Biology Underwater

Its objective is to promote discovery and knowledge of the underwater environment. The dives take place in fresh water or sea (possible from 11 years).

Underwater archeology  : the goal is to inventory and identify, search, sites of historical (harbors, anchorage areas, wrecks).

Photo sub : shooting underwater diving.

The cave diving or caving

It is practiced in natural cavities carved by groundwater in limestone, over distances of 10 meters to several kilometers. To this must be a diver.




Apnea comes from the Greek word "apnea": stop breathing

There are seven disciplines recognized:

- Static Apnea: the freediver apnea makes the longest possible in the body or on the water and submerged the airways.

·  Static apnea: stay as long as the water (pool or bathtub).

- Dynamic Apnea without fins: the freediver immersed and moves horizontally, with the goal of maximum distance traveled. Any help in propulsion is prohibited.

- Dynamic Apnea with Fins: The freediver immersed and moves horizontally, with the goal of maximum distance traveled. Any help to power other than fins or mono are prohibited.

·  Diving horizontal run: without reference depth, the diver travels a distance as long as possible.

- Diving in free immersion: the submerged depth freediver without propulsion equipment, with the goal depth reached (by pulling or not on the cable to the descent and ascent).

·  Diving "apnea free" or free disposal technique that is to descend along a cable to the force of arms and legs without fins.

- Diving to constant weight: the freediver descends and ascends in palms and / or with the help of arms without pulling on the cable and maintaining his weight, only maintain the cable in a single dose (one or both hands ) to stop the descent and begin the ascent is allowed.

·  The diving constant weight: down (upside down), and reassembled with only flippers, weighted the same weight (between 600 g and 2 kg). It is forbidden to touch the cable immersion.


- Diving with variable weightse: the freediver descends with a ballast (pig) and goes through his own strength: arms and / or legs (by pulling or not the cable)

·  Diving in variable: the diver was weighted with a maximum weight of 35 kg and up to the surface using its fins and arms or using the rope.

- Diving No Limits: The freediver descends with a ballast (a pig with ballast of 22 kilos) and goes as he wishes (balloon inflated with air, etc.).

·  Diving "no limits" descent with a metal pig whose weight is not limited (to accelerate the descent). The rebound occurs with an inflatable balloon.

In each category there are records of male and female. For subjects in depth, there are records in freshwater and seawater

Example: In April 99 the Italian Nicolas Brischigiaro to set the world record in freediving under ice down to - 85 m in Lake Verney in the Aosta valley in a temperature of 2 °.

Chronology of world record "no limits":

·  - 30 m R. Bucher ITA 1949

·  41 m E. Falco ITA 1956

·  44 m A. Santarelli BRE in 1960

·  50 m E. Maiorca ITA 1961

·  J. 60 m Mayol FRA 1966

·  73 m B Croft USA in 1968

·  80 m E. Maiorca ITA 1973

·  J. 92 m Mayol FRA 1975

·  101 m J. Mayol FRA 1976

·  120 m F. Ferreras CUB 1992

·  128 m F. Ferreras CUB 1995

·  131 m U. Pelizzari ITA 1996

·  137 m L. Leferme FRA in 1999

·  138 m G. Genoni ITA 1999

·  150 m U. Pelizzari ITA 1999

·  152m L. Leferme FRA in 2000

·  154 m L. Leferme FRA in 2001

·  160 m Tanya Streeter U.S. in 2002

·  162 m L. Leferme FRA in 2002

·  171 m L. Leferme FRA 2004

·  172 m. Herbert Nitsch AUT 2005

·  183 m. Herbert Nitsch AUT in 2006

·  185 m. Herbert Nitsch AUT in 2007

·  214 m. Herbert Nitsch AUT in 2007


·   Note: Cuban Ferreras realized FP - 162 m in 2001, this record was not approved by the AIDA; Patrick Musimu realized in June 2005 in Hurghada in the Red Sea -209 m record unlicensed.


·  The world record 'no limits' for women :

·  - 110 m Deborah Andollo CUB 1996

·  - 113 m Tanya Streeter U.S. in 1998

- 120 m Yasemin Dalkılıç TUR 2000

- 130 m Audrey Mestre FRA in 2001

·  - 136 m Mandy-Rae Cruickshank CAN 2002

·  - 160 m Tanya Streeter U.S. in 2002

The world records are established by two associations: AIDA (International Association for the Development of Apnea) and IAFD (International Association of Free Divers). Only the records "to constant weight" are recognized by the International Federation.

Since 1992, AIDA (International Association for the Development of Apnea) regulate discipline and organize a world championship which took place for the third time in 2001.

The three editions were won by the Italian team, led by the great Umberto Pellizzari.

Team France (Claude Chapuis, Stéphane Mifsud and Jean-Michel Pradon) finished 2nd place in 2001.

In 2001 women, the Canadian women beat the Americans.


Summary since 1949



Sports Records - Dives with Variable Weight



Name / Depth / Date / Time Immersion / Location / Approval by the CMAS


 - Raimondo Bucher 30 m 1949 'Naples (Italy) Yes

 - Ennio Falco and Alberto Novelli 35 m 1951 'Naples (Italy) Yes 

 - Raimondo Bucher 39 m 1952 'Capri (Italy) Yes

 - Ennio Falco and Alberto Novelli 41 m 1953 'Rapallo (Italy) Yes 

 - Americo Santarelli 43 m 1959 'Rio de Janero (Brazil) 

 - Americo Santarelli 44 m in September 1960 "Circeo (Italy) Yes 

 - Enzo Majorca 45 m in September 1960 'Syracuse (Italy) Yes

 - Americo Santarelli 46 m October 4, 1960 'Santa Margherita Ligure (Italy) Yes 

 - Enzo Majorca 49 m in October 1960 'Syracuse (Italy) Yes

 - Enzo Majorca 50 m August 15, 1961 'Ognina (Italy) Yes 

 - Enzo Majorca 51 m August 11, 1962 'Ustica (Italy) Yes

 - Enzo Majorca 53 m August 8, 1964 'Syracuse (Italy) Yes 

 - Enzo Majorca 54 m July 25, 1965 Acireale (Italy) Yes

 - Tetake Williams 59 m in September 1965 'Rarotonga (Polynesian) No 

 - Jacques Mayol 60 m in June 1966 'Freeport (Bahamas) No

 - Enzo Majorca 62 m November 17, 1966 'Syracuse (Italy) Yes 

 - Robert Croft 64 m in February 1967 'Fort Lauderdale (USA) No

 - Enzo Majorca 64 m in September 1967 '(Cuba) Yes 

 - Robert Croft 66 m in December 1967 'Fort Lauderdale (USA) No

 - Jacques Mayol 70 m in January 1968 'Fort Lauderdale (USA) No 

 - Robert Croft 73 m in August 1968 'Fort Lauderdale (USA) No

 - Enzo Majorca 72 m in August 1969 'Ognina (Italy) Yes 

 - Enzo Majorca 74 m August 14, 1970 'Ognina (Italy) Yes

 - Jacques Mayol 75m September 9, 1970 'Futo (Japan) Yes 

 - Jacques Mayol 76 m September 11, 1970 'Ito (Japan) Yes

Experiments with Weight Variable applied constant CMAS

 - Enzo Majorca 77 m August 11, 1971 'Syracuse (Italy) No 

 - Enzo Majorca 78 m August 18, 1972 'Ognina (Italy) Yes

 - Enzo Majorca 80 m August 18, 1973 'Genoa (Italy) Yes 

 - Jacques Mayol 85 m in November 1973 Isle of Elba (Italy) No

 - Jacques Mayol 86 m in November 1973 Isle of Elba (Italy) No 

 - Enzo Majorca 87 m September 20, 1974 in Sorrento (Italy) No

 - Jacques Mayol 92 m in October 1975 Isle of Elba (Italy) Yes 

 - Jacques Mayol 100m November 23, 1976 3:45 Island of Elba (Italy) Yes

 - Jacques Mayol 101 m in November 1981 3'10 Isle of Elba (Italy) 

 - Jacques Mayol 105m October 19, 1983 3'14 Isle of Elba (Italy) 


Discipline Demonstration - Weight Variable No limits


- Angela Bandini 107 m October 4, 1987 Isle of Elba (Italy) CMAS 

- Francisco "Pipin" Ferreras 112 m in November 1989 3'03 Cayo Largo (Cuba) CMAS

- Francisco "Pipin" Ferreras 115 m in July 1991 2'45 Syracuse (Italy) CMAS 

- Umberto Pelizzari 118 m October 26, 1991 2'56 Elba (Italy) CMAS

- Francisco "Pipin" Ferreras 120 m in September 1992 2'47 Ustica (Italy) CMAS 

- Umberto Pelizzari 123 m October 11, 1993 2'27 Montecristo (Italy) CMAS

- Francisco "Pipin" Ferreras 125 m in November 1993 '(Bahamas) CMAS 

- Francisco "Pipin" Ferreras 126 m July 30, 1994 2'12 Syracuse (Italy) CMAS

- Francisco "Pipin" Ferreras 127 m December 10, 1994 2'28 Florida (USA) CMAS 

- Francisco "Pipin" Ferreras 128 m July 30, 1995 2'15 "Syracuse (Italy) CMAS

- Francisco "Pipin" Ferreras 130m March 10, 1996 2'11 "Cabo San Luca (Mexico) CMAS 

- Umberto Pelizzari 131 m September 16, 1996 3'35 "Villassimius (Italy) CMAS

- Francisco "Pipin" Ferreras 133 m November 26, 1996 2'56 "Cabo San Luca (Mexico) CMAS 

- Gianluca Genoni 135 m October 3, 1998 3'33 "Sardinia (Italy) [notary]

- Loic Leferme 137 m June 5, 1999 3'02 "Saint-Jean-Cap Ferrat (France) AIDA 

- Gianluca Genoni 138 m October 2, 1999 3'20 "Porto Ottiolu, Sardinia (Italy) [notary]

- Umberto Pelizzari 150m October 24, 1999 2'56 "Santa Margherita Ligure (Italy) AIDA 

- Francisco "Pipin" Ferreras 162 m January 18, 2000 3'12 "Quintana Roo, Cozumel (Mexico) 




Eric Charrier (1964-1999) FRA. Former world record in constant weight at 73.50 m. He was also world champion in variable apnea.

 Frolla Peter (14-2-75) FRA. Freediver Monaco, he broke four world records in freediving: 3 free immersion (-72 m in 1999, -73 m in 2000 - 80 m in 2001) and 1 in variable (-123 m in 2004 to the using an 32 kg pig).   

Leferme Loïc (1970-2007) FRA. Five times world record in 'no limits': in 1999, reaching -137 m, 2000 m -152, -154 to 2001 m in October 2002 -162 m, and in October 2004 in -171 m ( then beaten by the Austrian Herbert Nitsch at -183 m in 2006). Accidental death dive training off Villefranche-sur-Mer in April 2007.

  Andy Le Sauce (12-8-43) FRA. Former world record in static apnea under water: 7 minutes 35 seconds.

  Enzo Maiorca (21-6-31) ITA. A legendary figure and the opponent's best known Jacques Mayol . A native of Syracuse in Sicily, he was the first man to exceed the wall of -50 meters snorkeling in 1961. It was established some 14 world records ranging from - 45 m in 1960 to - 100 m in 1980. He managed to intuitively balance the pressure of eardrums.

His daughter Rossana completed in 1989 the first world record in mono at Syracuse under the gaze of his father Enzo Majorca. She made such a dramatic descent to -58 m in constant weight in 1992.

Jacques Mayol (1927-2001) FRA. Born in Shanghai, he was the first man to reach the depth of 100 m under water (101 m, dive duration: 3'10 ") off the island of Elba in November 1976. He carried the record at 105 m in 1983 and to 107 m in 1998 (this record was never ratified). He inspired the movie "Le Grand Bleu." yoga enthusiast and dolphins, he wrote a book 'Homo Delphinus' became the bible for all freedivers.

Guillaume Nery (born 1982) FRA. It is one of the best specialists snorkeling constant weight (down with or without fins deepest possible the only force of leg muscles). Three-time record holder in the discipline: -87 m established in the bay of Villefranche in 2002, -96 m reached in the meeting in 2004 and -109 m in September 2006 near Nice (in 2 minutes 50 seconds). In 2007 he finished in 4th place world championship to constant weight (3rd team in 2006)

Herbert Nitsch (born 1973)TUE. Airline pilot training, he is currently the best diver in apnea world. In November 2007, he became world champion at constant weight beating again his own world record at 112 meters (-111 m former established in December 2006). He has fought since 2001 a dozen world records in freediving diving including the 'no limits' on four occasions: - 172 m established in October 2005 and -183 m (first man to descend below 600 feet mythical) established August 2006 (both in Croatia) and -185 m and -214 m in 2007 (in June in Greece, the first man to descend below 700 feet!). He also holds the world record in static (9min45), apnea free (-100 m), Dynamic without fins (134 m) and constant weight without fins (-66m).

Michael Oliva (born 1962) FRA. Former world record in constant weight at -72 m established in October 1996.

Umberto Pelizzari (28-8-65) ITA. Charismatic figure. A major global divers (holder of all records in freediving in 1991), the first man to be down more than 100 m below the water in variable! He simultaneously held two world records at sea to know:

--  Constant Weight: 72 m deep (and go back to 2'30 ") from 1995 to 1997;

--  Variable weight: 110 m from September 1996 to October 1997 he raised in 2001 to 131 m.

In 1999 he reached - 150 meters in no limits. In 1999, he set a new world record in constant weight at 80 m (4 m higher than the previous record of 76 m, held by the Cuban Ravelo) fought to turn in late 1999 by the American Brett LeMaster at 81 m.

Francisco Rodriguez said Pipin Ferreras (18-1-62) CUB. The man of great depths of 600 dives over 100 feet! In January 2000, he reached the -162 m no-limit, his record was only approved by IAFD. He was the husband and coach Audrey Mestre , who died while attempting to establish a new world record 'no limits'.

Tom Sietas (21-1-77) ALL. Between 27 and August 30, 2006, he set three world records in freediving: static (9 minutes), dynamic without fins (183 m) and Dynamic with fins (223 m).


Andollo Deborah (9-5-65) CUB. Former world record holder in the constant weight: - 62 m in 1994, in variable: -95 m in 2001 and "no limits" - 110 m in 1996.

Yasemin Dalkilic (2-5-79) TUR. World record holder in variable since July 2001 - 105 m. Former world record holder of 'no limits': - 120 m in 2000.

Audrey Mestre (1974-2002) FRA. In May 2001, she established the world record no limits: -130 m to bring it - 170 m in 2002 three days before his fatal diving accident. With her husband, Pipin Ferreras Cuba, the world record holder no limits (-162 m), she held another world record in mixed tandem no limits: at -103 m established in 2002. Died in a diving accident in 2002.

Molchanova Natalia (8-5-62) RUS. Seven times world champion between 2005 and 2007 in such disciplines as static, dynamic or constant weight. She holds 5 World Records: constant weight without fins at -55 m in static apnea (8 minutes), in dynamic apnea (-205m) in dynamic apnea without fins (-149 m) and free immersion (-80 m ). She chairs the Russian Federation of snorkeling.

Tanya Streeter (10-1-73) USA. Since August 2002, she holds the world record 'no limits' in all categories realizing - 160 m near the Turkish coast (in 3 minutes and 26 seconds), a real achievement. Also the world record holder in Constant Weight: -67 m in 1998.





Dynamic Apnea
172 m Stephane Mifsud 26/01/01 Swimming 50m Hyeres AIDA

Dynamic Apnea
Nathalie Desreac 150 m 14/11/98 Swimming 25m Rèunion AIDA

Dynamic Apnea
without fins
Frederick Cocuet 125 m /? / 93 pool 25 m France AIDA

Dynamic Apnea
without fins
Nathalie Desreac 95 m 07/02/99 Swimming 25m Rèunion AIDA

Static Apnea
Andy Le Sauce 7'35 "04/04/95 Swimming Rèunion AIDA

Static Apnea
Mary Schirrer 5'46 "21/12/01 Swimming Rèunion AIDA

Constant weight
Guillaume Nery - 82 m 15/09/01 Mer St Jean Cap Ferrat AIDA

Constant weight
Sophie Passalacqua - 60 m 03/08/02 Wed Reunion
(France) AIDA

Constant weight
Jean-Michel Pradon - 60 m 03/09/00 Lake Perlonjour (Belgium) AIDA

Constant weight
Delphine Marleux - 42 m 03/09/00 Lake Perlonjour (Belgium) Jury AIDA


Variable weight
Pierre Frolla - 123 m 06/07/04 Wed Monaco AIDA

Variable weight
Wed Ladies     

Variable weight
Gentlemen Roland Specker - 60 m /? / 92 Lake Lake Neuchatel (Switzerland) AIDA

Variable weight
Lac Dames     


Free Immersion
Messrs Eric Hoarau - 62 m 03/08/02 Wed Reunion
(France) AIDA

Free Immersion
Wed Ladies     

Free Immersion
Gentlemen Andy Le Sauce - 57 m 19/08/00 Auvernier Lac (Switzerland) AIDA

Free Immersion
Ladies Lecroq Beatrice - 35 m 03/09/00 Auvernier Lac (Switzerland) Jury AIDA

No Limits
Loic Leferme Men - 171 m Wed Oct. 2004 Nice (France) AIDA

No Limits
Ladies Audrey Mestre - 170 m Oct. 2002 Mer La Romana (Dom Rep.)   

No Limits
Gentlemen Roland Specker - 80 m 04/09/93 Lake Lake of Neuchatel, Auvernier (Switzerland) AIDA

No Limits
Lac Dames     

Disciplines demonstration


Dynamic Apnea

Gentlemen Andy Le Sauce 137 m 28/10/95 Wed Rèunion Observer AIDA

Dynamic Apnea
Women 107 m Matilda Fouchard Wed 08/08/98 Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat (France) Jury AIDA

World The shortening of the different events is as follows:

Constant weight = Weight variable CP = VP NL = No limit 

Deepthi: Name: Year: Place: Event:

30m Raimondo Bucher 1949 Italy VP

35m Ennio Falco 1951 Italy VP

35m Alberto Novelli 1951 Italy VP

38m Raimondo Bucher 1952 Italy VP

41m Ennio Falco 1956 Italy VP

41m Alberto Novelli 1956 Italy VP

42m Hilario Martinez 1957 Acapulco VP

43m Amerigo Santarelli Brazil 1960 VP

44m Amerigo Santarelli Brazil 1960 VP

45m Enzo Maiorca 1960 Italy VP

46m Amerigo Santarelli VP 1960 Italy

49m Enzo Maiorca 1960 Italy VP

50m Enzo Maiorca 1961 Italy VP

51m Enzo Maiorca 1962 Italy VP

53m Enzo Maiorca 1964 Italy VP

25m Italy 1964 Francesca Trombi CP

30m Hedy Roessler 1964 Italy CP

54m Enzo Maiorca 1965 Italy VP

31m Giliana Treleani PO Box 1965 Italy

33m Evelyn Peterson 1965 Bahamas VP

59m Tetake Williams 1965 Polynesia VP

60m Jacques Mayol 1966 NL Bahamas

35m Giliana Treleani 1966 Italy VP

38m Evelyn Peterson 1966 Bahamas VP

62m Enzo Maiorca 1966 Italy NL

Robert Croft 64m USA 1967 NL

64m Enzo Maiorca 1967 NL Cuba

Robert Croft 66m USA 1967 NL

70m Jacques Mayol 1968 USA NL

72m Enzo Maiorca 1969 Italy NL

73m Robert Croft 1969 USA NL

74m Enzo Maiorca 1970 Italy NL

75m Jacques Mayol 1970 Japan NL

76m Jacques Mayol 1970 Japan NL

77m Enzo Maiorca 1971 Italy NL

78m Enzo Maiorca 1972 Italy NL

80m Enzo Maiorca 1973 Italy NL

85m Jacques Mayol 1973 Italy NL

86m Jacques Mayol 1973 Italy NL

87m Enzo Maiorca 1974 Italy NL

92m Jacques Mayol 1975 Italy NL

100m Jacques Mayol 1976 Italy NL

50m Stefano Makula 1977 Italy CP

38m Patrizia Maiorca 1978 Italy CP

52m and Mario Nuccio Imbesi PO Box 1978 Italy

55m Enzo Maiorca 1978 Syracusa CP

  40m Patrizia and Rossana Maiorca Italy PO Box 1979

56m Enzo Listro 1979 Italy CP

57m Nuccio Imbesi 1979 Italy CP

101m Enzo Maiorca 1980 Italy NL

45m Rossana Maiorca 1980 Italy CP

101m Jacques Mayol 1981 Italy NL

58m Stefano Makula 1981 Italy CP

60m Enzo Maiorca 1981 Ognina CP

61m Jacques Mayol Italy PO Box 1981

105m Jacques Mayol 1983 Italy NL

52m Angela Bandini Box 1983 Italy

69m Rossana Maiorca 1986 Italy VP

70m Patrizi Maiorca 1987 Italy VP

80m Rossana Maiorca 1988 Italy VP

62m Frank Messegué France 1989 PC

107m Angela Bandini 1989 Italy NL

112m Francisco Ferreras 1989 Italy NL

63m Francisco Ferreras Cuba PO Box 1990

55m Rossana Maiorca 1990 Italy CP

58m Rossana Maiorca 1990 Italy CP

65m Umberto Pelizzari 1990 Italy CP

92m Francisco Ferreras 1990 Cuban VP

115m Francisco Ferreras 1991 Italy NL

95m Umberto Pelizzari 1991 Italy VP

67m Umberto Pelizzari 1991 Italy CP

118m Umberto Pelizzari 1991 Italy NL

60m Deborah Andollo PO Box 1992 Italy

68m Francisco Ferreras 1992 Cuba CP

70m Umberto Pelizzari 1992 Italy CP

121m Francisco Ferreras 1992 Italy NL

123m Umberto Pelizzari 1993 Italy NL

125m Francisco Ferreras 1993 NL Bahamas

96m Francisco Ferreras 1993 Italy VP

61m Deborah Andollo PO Box 1994 Italy

101m Umberto Pelizzari 1994 Italy VP

126m Francisco Ferreras 1994 Italy NL

127m Francisco Ferreras 1994 Florida NL

72m Umberto Pelizzari 1995 Italy CP

105m Umberto Pelizzari 1995 Italy VP

128m Francisco Ferreras 1995 Cyracusa NL

85m Deborah Andollo 1995 Cuban VP

62m Deborah Andollo Cuba PO Box 1996

72m Michel Oliva CP France 1996

110m Deborah Andollo 1996 NL Cuba

130m Francisco Ferreras 1996 NL Mexico

106m Gianluca Genoni 1996 Italy VP

110m Umberto Pelizzari 1996 Italy VP

110m Gianluca Genoni 1996 Italy VP

131m Umberto Pelizzari 1996 Italy NL

132m Gianluca Genoni 1996 Italy NL

134m Francisco Ferreras 1996 NL Mexico

73m Alejandro Ravelo CP 1997 Italy

90m Deborah Andollo 1997 Italy VP

75m Umberto Pelizzari 1997 Italy CP

111m Alejandro Ravelo 1997 Italy VP

115m Umberto Pelizzari 1997 Italy VP

120m Gianluca Genoni 1997 Italy VP

65m Deborah Andollo 1997 Cuba CP

113m Tanya Streeter 1998 Cayman NL

115m Audry Mestre 1998 Mexico NL

Tanya Streeter 67m Cayman PO Box 1998

121m Gianluca Genoni 1998 Italy VP

135m Gianluca Genoni 1998 Italy NL

137m France Loic Leferme 1999 NL

122m Gianluca Genoni 1999 Italy VP

138m Gianluca Genoni 1999 Italy NL

80m Umberto Pelizzari 1999 Italy CP

150m Umberto Pelizzari 1999 Italy NL

81m Brett Master Cayman PO Box 1999

68m Yasemin Dalkılıç 1999 Bodrum CP

162m Francisco Ferreras 2000 NL Mexico

122m Audrey Ferreras 2000 La Palma NL

125m Audrey Ferreras 2000 La Palma NL

152m Loïc Leferme 2000 Italy NL

95m Deborah Andollo 2000 Italy VP

96m Yasemin Dalkılıç 2000 Turkey VP

100m Yasemin Dalkılıç 2000 Turkey VP

123m Gianluca Genoni 2000 Italy VP

125m Gianluca Genoni 2000 Italy VP

70m Tanya Streeter 2001 Guandeloupe CP

130m Audrey Fererra 2001 USA NL

105m Yasemin Dalkılıç 2001 Turkey VP

82m Eric Fattah Canada PO Box 2001

154m France Loic Leferme 2001 NL

117m Benjamin Franz 2001 Germany VP

126m Gianluca Genoni 2001 Italy VP

136m Mandy Cruikshank 2001 NL Canada

86m Herbert Nitsch Austria PO Box 2001

131m Umberto Pelizzari 2001 Italy VP

87m Patrick Musimu Belgium PO Box 2002

87m Guillaume Nery France 2002 PC

88m Rignana Alessandro Lolli Italy PO Box 2002

160m Tanya Streeter 2002 USA NL


La nage avec palmes

The first fins were designed and drawn by Leonardo da Vinci in the sixteenth century. Swimming with fins is practiced in the field or pool. France is the world champion long distance races, 3rd nation in the world and vice-European champion in the pool. In recent years a new type of competition has emerged: the palmathlon which combines swimming with fins and running.

Le hockey subaquatique

He plays deep in a swimming pool (25 mx 15 m with a constant depth between 2 and 4 meters) between two teams of 6 players (plus 4 substitutes) during two periods of 15 minutes. The game is to move, making it move from player to player, puck, 8 cm in diameter and 1.3 kg to an end, 3 m long, placed at the bottom at each end of the basin. The players, moving underwater snorkeling, are equipped with a mask, a snorkel and flippers and a stick 30 cm long, held with one hand

The team tri male (already European Champion) became world champion in 1998, beating the South Africans.

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Résultats et Champions

  En 1989, Claude Chapuis et une équipe d'enseignants et d'étudiants met en place les premiers stages d'apnée dans le monde dans la Rade de Villefranche-sur-Mer en France. Dans ces stages où les élèves sont confrontés à toutes les disciplines de l'apnée, on met en place les premières règles de pratique de l'apnée. A.I.D.A. (l'Association internationale pour le développement de l'apnée) est née en 1992 par la volonté de Roland Specker et d'une petite équipe dont...
Champion du monde d'apnée en monopalmes en 2022 avec une plongée à -123 mètres en trois minutes et 11 secondes réalisé dans les eaux turques de Kas. C'est son 2eme titre mondial après le plongée en apnée bi-palmes en 2021. Depuis début aôut 2022, il détient le record du monde en poids constant bi-palmes avec une plongée à -119 puis -120 mètres. Il améliore son propre record du monde en juillet 2023 avec une plongée à -122 mètres dans les eaux de Dean's Blue Hole dans les Bahamas....
  Variable Weight (VWT) HOMMES 150 m WR Name: Walid Boudhiaf (TUN) Date: 2021-01-17 146 m Name: Stavros KASTRINAKIS (GRE) Date: 2015-11-01 145 m Name: William WINRAM (CAN) Date: 2013-09-03 Place: Sharm el Sheik, Egypt 142 m WR Name: Herbert NITSCH (AUT) Date: 2009-12-07 Place: Blue Hole, Bahamas 140 m  Name: Carlos COSTE (VEN) Date: 2006-05-09 Place: Sharm, Egypt 136 m  Name: Martin STEPANEK (CZE) Date: 2005-04-14 Place: Cayman, BWI 135 m Na...
Elle détient plusieurs records du monde dont celui en poids constant. Le 26 juillet 2018 à Long Island aux Bahamas, elle est descendue à 107 m en retenant sa respiration pendant plus de 3 minutes 30 secondes. Membre de l'équipe nationale de plongeon, elle a remporté pas moins de 16 titres mondiaux et 3 titres européens. Nota : ertains l’appellent « la cathédrale sous la mer », mais aussi « le cimetière des plongeurs », rappelant tout à la fois la majesté des lieux et ses dang...
Le 15 septembre 2020, il a battu le record du monde en poids constant bi-palmes lors de la Coupe d'Europe à Kalamata en Grèce avec une plongeon à -112 mètres (3 minutes 24 secondes sous l'eau). Un record qu'il avait déjà établi en mai 2019 à Charm el-Cheikh en Egypte descendant à 108 mètres. Le Russe Alexey Molchanov l'avait amélioré avec 110 m établi en Croatie en août 2019. ...
Elle était la plus grande championne de plongeon en apnée avec pas moins de 23 titres mondiaux individuels et 41 records du monde établis. Le 25 septembre 2009, elle est devenue la première femme à dépasser les 100 m en poids constant (101 m). Elle détient actuellement tous les records sauf en No-Limits. Elle avait  fondé la Fédération Russe de plongée libre dont elle fut la présidente. Le 2 août, elle fut portée disparu après une plongée aux Baléares à Formentera. Partie seule pour une plon...
Il est l'un des meilleurs spécialistes de plongée en apnée en poids constant (descendre avec ou sans palmes le plus profond possible à la seule force des muscles des jambes). Quatre fois recordman de la discipline : --82 m en 2002 puis -87 m établi dans la baie de Villefranche en 2002, -96 m réalisé à La Réunion en 2004 puis -109 m en septembre 2006 près de Nice (en 2 minutes 50 secondes). Depuis début juillet 2008, il détient une nouvelle fois le record du monde  en poids constant, à mo...
Surnommé 'The Flying Fish' (poisson volant). Pilote de ligne de formation, il a été le meilleur plongeur en apnée du monde qui a détenu tous les records du monde dans les huit disciplines reconnues par l'AIDA (au total 32 records dans toutes les disciplines). Aujourd'hui il en détient encore deux : en No Limit et en poids variable. Il peut retenir sa respiration pendant près de 10 minutes. En novembre 2007, il est devenu champion du monde à poids constant en battant une no...
Une figure légendaire et l'adversaire le plus connu de Jacques Mayol. Originaire de Syracuse en Sicile et visiteur médical de profession, il fut le premier homme à avoir dépassé le mur de -50 mètres en plongée libre, en 1962. Il a établi quelque 14 records du monde allant de -45 m en 1960 en passant par -72 m en 1969 jusqu'à -101 m en 1988 à 57 ans. Il réussit intuitivement à équilibrer la pression des tympans. Son histoire de rivalité et de la course aux records entre lui et le Fran...
Il a détenu le record du monde en poids constant sans palmes avec -88 m établi en avril 2009 (l'ancien record lui appartenait depuis avril 2008 en -86 m). Il l'a amélioré en décembre 2009 avec -90 m puis en -101 m fin 2010. L'actuel recordman du monde en immersion libre avec 121 m (il le détenait déjà avec -108 m). Copyright Sportquick/Promedi...


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