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Autres sports - Other Sports history - Article du : 08/11/2009

 Other Sports


The goal of bodybuilding is to increase lean body mass. It is important to finish and perfect symmetry to the muscles. The supreme title: Mr. or Miss Olympia Olympia!

Among the stars:

Arnold Schwarzenegger (30-7-47) TUE. Elected Mr. Olympia 7 times (the record!) Before making the film career and political that we know.

Ronnie Coleman (13-5-66) USA. Triple winner of the supreme title: Mr Olympia in 1998, 1999 and 2000.

Hanley Ley (11-11-59) USA .Elected 8 times Mr. Olympia between 1984 and 1991. 

Chizevsky Kim (23-4-68) USA. Elected Miss Olympia from 1996 to 1999.

Cory Everson (4-1-59) USA. Elected Miss Olympia from 1984 to 1989.

Linda Murray (22-2-62) USA. Elected Miss Olympia from 1990 to 1994.



There are nearly four thousand years, the sled dogs were used by the Eskimos, the Inuit, Indians and peoples of Siberia (Chukchi). Later in 1850, the use of sled dogs were needed to conquer the North Pole and the gold miners of the Klondike and Alaska.

Nowadays, sled dogs have become their top athletes (there is talk of a possible inclusion in the Olympic Games) who rush in large international mushing as the Iditarod and the Yukon West (1 600 km to go in 11 days) in Alaska.

There are several categories of races depending on the number of miles to go and then the number of dogs to use.


Mostly reserved for teams between sixteen and eighteen dogs, that's racing sleds from the most prestigious, which takes place in the North every year since 1973. Long 1 600 kilometers, it connects the cities of Anchorage and Nome. The best "mushers" of the world (the sled driver) clash. The event record is 9 days, 58 min. and 6 seconds set in 2000 by Doug Swingley, victorious in 1995, 1999, 2000 and 2001. Another example is Susan Butcher (26-12-56), winning 4 times between 1986 and 1990!

Some breeds of dogs in the Far North

The Laika (dog of Siberia), the Samoyed (dog Lapland), Greenland, Husky (Eskimo dog) who is among the fastest dogs, the Malamute (dog Eskimos of Alaska, specialist efforts long) and very fast Alaskan, currently used in most races, a new breed from a cross between greyhound and husky.

The exploits of the late 20th century:

- The crossing of Antarctica by the sleigh French Jean Louis Etienne (9-12-46) in 1991.

- The French musher, Nicolas Vannier (b. 1962) has connected the 8 600 km between the Pacific coast of the Atlantic Coast sleigh accompanied by his dogs. Party December 13, 1998 Skagway, Alaska, he arrived 99 days later, March 28, 1999 in Quebec, Canada.

As an adult, a husky dog with a team of twelve dogs can cover a distance of 750 kilometers in two weeks, taking a load of nearly a ton!

Among the best French: Didier Ozel, five times champion of France and European champion in 1999.

Danse sportive

A true sport, dance sport has some 300 million global dancers including one million French attending 550 rooms. We

ise dance sport in two categories:

--  The five Latin dances: cha-cha-cha, samba, rumba, paso doble and jive (Family rock'n roll);

--  The five standard dances: slow waltz, Viennese waltz, tango, quick step and slow foxtrot.

As in ice dance couples are judged on technical and presentation.

Among the prestigious competitions: the Birmingham Blackpool (the oldest and most side), the German Open, the United States, Italy, France at Bercy and the International Albert Hall in London.


There are two categories in the races; gallop and trot races. The trotting races are without changing pace with a team to two wheels. One of the oldest institutions that manages regulated and that Paris is the French Horse Society, founded in 1864. Another powerful agency is the United States Trotting Association.

Horse racing far back in history. A test of race and test cars with mounted horses were already on the agenda of the Ancient Games. The first track was opened in 17th century England at Newmarket. The Jockey Club, established in 1750, is one of the oldest institutions in the world which manages the famous races like the Derby at Epsom and Ascot.

The first attempt in France to organize horse races took place in 1776 at the Hippodrome de la Plaine des Sablons. We guess that this was a great success since today 269 racetracks hosting more than 15,000 courses each year and now races among the twenty largest French. The meetings are organized by horse racing associations, non-profit organizations that create and maintain their own racetracks and training centers. There are over 270 including three "parents" Paris:

The Society for the Encouragement of breeds of horses in France which manages Longchamp, Chantilly and Deauville for flat racing.

The Society of Steeple Chase de France for the Auteuil racetrack of Pau and steeplechase racing.

The Society Promoting the breeding of the Horse for the French racetrack of Vincennes, Caen and harness racing.

The parent companies regulate their specialty races across the country and establish the racing programs. The classical selection program for each specialty (flat barriers and trot) is complemented by an international program which compares the value of French and foreign horses. Among the major international events contested by the world's best thoroughbreds include the price of the Arc de Triomphe, Diane and the Jockey Club course, the Grand Steeple Chase de Paris barriers and the price of America France, the World Trotting in Montreal, Canada and the Roosevelt International in the United States in trot. The horse winners of these races become real stars in relation fortunes for their owners.

The American Horse "Greyhound" is considered the greatest trotter in history. In the 30s, thanks to strides of 6 m, it was established some 25 world records, some of which are still in force.


The Price of America (since 1920)


Varenne, Crack trotter Italian, became a star in the Italian peninsula. In 2001 he completed the grand slam by winning the four most prestigious races and at the same time establishing new speed records: the Price of America (2700 m), Lottery Naples (1600 m), the Elittlop Stockholm (1609 m) and the Breeder's Crown at the Meadowlands near New York. In 2002 he again won the Prix d'Amerique drive as always by Giampaolo Minucci.

There are two other racecourse in Paris that the three "parent companies" and five other companies manage Province Pari Mutuel Urbain (PMU).

The prestige of racing and quality breeds of horses are livestock French first one in the world and therefore a largely export industry, behind the USA. But France remains with Great Britain the international standard organization and regulations.

The"Monkey Crouch, driving style invented by one of the greatest jockeys in history, American Tod Sloan (1874-1933) who, in the late 18th century, mounted his horse with reins and stirrups short with his body bent over the horse's neck. This amount is still topical gallop.

Do you think the best horses are weighted down with extra weight, up to 5kg, so that all horses have an equal chance in the race.

Among the cracks:

Cash Asmussen (15-3-62) USA. It is the first jockey to win 200 victories in a season in France. Winner of some 3 000 races including 4 Prix du Jockey Club and Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe in 1991. He won several gold whips.

Dominique Boeuf (6-6-68) FRA. Large flat jockey, winner of 3 gold whips the last in 2001.

Walter Blum (28-9-34) USA. 4 382 victories in the U.S. (are 360 in 1963) in 22 seasons.

Alec Carter FRA. Record holder for victories in a year (in 1907) the number of 139 in jump racing ..

Frankie Dettori (15-12-70) ITA. A star in Britain where he won every race at the same meeting (7). Winner of two Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe. Only the Epsom Derby lost his record.

Doyasbère Jacques FRA. Four-time winner of the Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe in the 40s. 

Pat Eddery (18-3-52) IRL. One of the 4 riders, 4 times winner of the Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe. 

Freddy Head (19-6-47) USA. He spent most of his career in France with 4 wins including the Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe. He won several gold whips. 

Walter Miller (1890-1959) USA. The greatest jockey of the early centuries: 1 094 victories in 1904 (at age 14 years) and 1909.

Olivier Peslier (12-1-71) FRA. One of the best French riders with three straight victories in the Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe in 1996, 97 and 98. More than 1,350 victories.

Pious Christopher (15-4-67) FRA. Jockey obstacles, it is part of the global elite. Whip Gold French (holder of more victory in the year) from 1990 to 2005 (15 in total!), He has won more than 1,400 victories.

Lester Piggott "Sir" (5-11-35) GBR. 4 460 victories including 3 Arcs de Triomphe and 9 Epsom Derbies. One of the greatest jockeys of all time. Knighted by the Queen of England.

Bill Shoemaker (19-8-31) USA. The greatest American jockey of all time, winning 8 833 races including 4 Kentucky Derby (the last at the age of 54 years!).

Stern Georges (1882-1928) FRA. The first major French jockey, with 6 wins including the Prix du Jockey Club.

The Palio

Horse mythical place twice a year in July and August for four days and nights on the Piazza del Campo in the Tuscan city of Siena. The ten districts (contrade) of Siena compete in a race where the jockeys ride their horses to raw. The price of honor is a flag or 'Palio' in the name of Madonna.


Very dangerous sport coming of "Wild West" of the United States. It is to assemble and manage horses and wild bulls. There is a true championship and a professional circuit reserved for the best "cowboys".

Tests: There are six races including three queens:

- The bull riding or riding the wild bull. The cowboy must stay on eight seconds back of a bull weighing approx. 850 kilos. One of his hands is a flat braided cable or bull rope. The other hand must remain free. This is by far the most dangerous discipline.

- The Bareback Bronc riding or riding a wild horse without a saddle. Sitting on a stool provided with a handle, the cowboy must touch the hollow of the horse's shoulders at every jolt, then only with his spurs for a period of eight seconds. It is the discipline most physical rodeo.

- The Saddle Bronc riding or riding a wild horse with saddle. The saddle is attached to the halter of the horse. As soon as the horse jumped, the cowboy must ram, braided into a cable in one hand, put his feet in the stirrups and hold on for eight seconds.

- The team roping or the taking of a young bull with a lasso. This is a work in pairs.

- The calf roping or taking a calf roping. The cowboy must put the calf on the ground with three legs attached and this for a duration of three seconds.

- The steer wrestling or the landing of a bull. In leaping from his horse, the cowboy must grasp the animal by the horns, the plates and immobilizing.

The rodeo has its own champions including:

Joe Beaver (3-10-65) USA. 8 times world champion 3 times with all-round (1995, 1996 and 2000).

Everett Bowman (1899-1971) USA. 10 times world champion between 1930 and 1938, including 2-time all round.

Wanda Bush (6-10-31) USA. 29 times world champion between 1951 and 1969, including 7-time all round.

Tom Ferguson (20-12-50) USA. 6 times champion all-round cowboy "in the 70s.

Larry Mahan (21-11-43) USA. Legendary cowboy, six times world champion in the 60s.

Ty Murray (11-10-69) USA. The hero of the late nineteenth century, seven times world champion between 1989 and 1998.

Jim Shoulders (13-5-28) USA. 16 times world champion between 1949 and 1959, including 5-time All-Around (1949, 1956 to 1959).



Number of graduates in France: 10 000

The twirling is a sport art that depicts a stick on modern or classical music.

It combines three elements:

- Gymnastics: our athletes use in their exercises all movements of gymnastics on the floor.

- The dance is at the core of all choreography, whether modern or classic.

- The Dexterity: use the stick requires skill, balance, speed, and complements the two previous items.

These three interrelated disciplines give the twirling his spectacular appearance.

The Stick

It consists of a rod in one piece chrome, smooth or hammered spiral and two tips. Both are white rubber.

A counter placed inside the tip to stick gives the right balance without which he could turn so quickly.

The choreography is performed to music in groups of six or twelve elements, solo or duet.

The twirleurs evolve a workable 15 m by 24 m in the gym.

The word appears in the official name of our association comes from the English verb "to twirl" which means to turn quickly and by extension, to run something. For our practitioners, it will stick. The twirling is practiced by 15 nations including the best are the USA, Canada, Japan, France and Italy.


Among the best twirleurs French: Sebastien Dubois, was world champion throwing stick.

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